Monday, November 14, 2011

Who Did It Better? ("Footloose")

There's been a debate going on around here since the new movie came out and they released Blake Shelton's cover of that kick-a** theme song. So I thought I'd make it the subject of my next post! Clever, right? Or maybe I was just bored, who knows?

Anyway, onto the breakdown.

Original theme as performed by Kenny Loggins

God, that's awesome! I only have to hear those first few bars before I go nuts! There's something in that rollicking rhythm that's utterly irresistible, and I for one start dancing like a fool no matter where I am when I hear it. I'm partial to Kenny Loggins anyway, but this is some good stuff. Who here knows how to jive?

Remake as performed by Blake Shelton

Now that's a party, right there. I love Blake, too; he looks so much better now that he's cut his hair and "Honey Bee" is about the cutest song ever, but...(I guess you know where I stand on this issue) To be fair, there's some nice shreddage going on with that guitar and there's something a little more down-and-dirty with it, but it's just not quite as high-octane to me. As far as remakes go, however, this is still pretty awesome. Props for Mr. Shelton on that one! *applauds*

Now here comes the part where I let you decide for yourself.

Your pal,

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